Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blog Post #7- Classism

"People Like Us" was an extremely interesting video to watch. The way class is mixed up is comprised of three different sections, upper class, middle class and lower class. The movie we watched showed us how class divides us as Americans and how different everyone's lives are, according to class.

For this blog, I will discuss my own personal story and how my life is affected by social class. My story is interesting because my parents are divorced and both have two totally different lifestyles. My mom and stepdad both work affluent jobs and I would say are upper middle class. We live in a big house, colonial style, swimming pool, vacations etc. My dad and stepmom live in Vermont in a smaller house in a very economically poor area. Jobs are few and far between and the town they live in is unpopulated and extremely small. For me, this was interesting because I often times switch back and forth between my parents two houses. My dad felt guilty he couldn't "give me everything" I desired because of his job, I think he always felt that he wasn't good enough because of where he lived and his income. I think I became aware of class at a young age because of my parents divorce and different lifestyles.

I think class is something that isn't spoken about as much in our society due to the fact that we are not all equal. Some people might feel ashamed of how they live or that they aren't good enough because they don't have everything money could buy. I think we should discuss class more often and maybe people will be more aware of the differences. By doing this, we will break down the barriers that are held around social class and make it more socially acceptable to talk about different lifestyles.

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